Used for pattern matching in string. Common use cases include text validation and text search.
Regexes are enclosed within / /
(this document doesn't use these enclosings in most regexes to keep it clean).
Some common ones
- a, b or c[^abc]
- any character except a, b, c[a-z]
- a to z[A-Z]
- A to Z[a-zA-Z]
- a to z, A to Z[0-9]
- 0 to 9
will only match the first occurence of a./a/g
will match all occurences of a throughout the string.
[ ]?
- occurs 0 or 1 times[ ]+
- occurs 1 or more times[ ]*
- occurs 0 or more times[ ]{n}
- occurs n times[ ]{n,}
- occurs n or more times[ ]{y,z}
- occurs at least y times but less than z times
- all digits ≍[0-9]
- all "word" (alphanumeric) characters ≍[a-zA-Z0-9]
- everything except digits ≍[^0-9]
- everything except alphanumeric characters ≍[^a-z]
- any character except a newline
Use \
to replace any special character.
Logical Operators
- Negation|
- Logical OR()
- to group your logic
Regular expressions (regex) are not defined by a single, universally accepted standard like an RFC. However, there are efforts to establish some level of consistency across different regex implementations.
Some regex standards are:
- POSIX Basic Regular Expressions (BRE)
- Extended Regular Expressions (ERE)
- PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)
- I-Regexp (RFC 9485)