
Checked Exceptions

Unchecked Exceptions



  • ``

    • Used to specify a block of code which can throw an exception.
    • Must be followed by a ``.
    • Can't be used alone
  • ``

    • Block used to handle the error.
    • Must be preceded by ``
    • Can't be used alone

Always execute

  • ``

Contains the code which must be executed irrespective of whether an exception is handled or not


  • ``

Used to throw an exception


  • ``
    • Used to declare exceptions
    • Doesn't throw error
    • Specifies that an exception may occur in a method
    • Used with method signature

Creating Custom Exceptions

  • How to create?

  • How to return your custom message while throwing exception?

  • Are custom exceptions checked or unchecked?


Exceptions in main() method

  • What happens when main() throws an error?
  • Can throws keyword be used with main()?

Exceptions raised in common scenarios

Divide by zero``
Operation on Null Pointer``
Operating on incorrect/non-existant index``