Stack Frame

aka Activation Record

Stack frame is created for function calls. A new one is created each time a function is called.


Function Return Address

The return address (memory address) of the instruction to execute after the function call completes.

Pushed onto the stack first.

Function Arguments

Space for function arguments (parameters) passed to the method. Followed by any local variables.

Local Variables

Variables declared within the method. Allocated space for these variables.

Frame Pointer (Optional)

Some architectures use a frame pointer (FP) to point to the start of the stack frame.

Helps access local variables and function arguments efficiently.

Not always present (depends on the calling convention).


Function Call

When a method is called, a new stack frame is pushed onto the call stack.

The return address, arguments, and local variables are set up.

Function Execution

The method executes, accessing its local variables and performing computations.

Function Return

When the method completes, its stack frame is popped from the stack.

The return address is used to continue execution from where the method was called.
