Members of a class
Members of class are entities which are part of the class. These can be categorised on basis of ownership and on basis of their type.
Categorisation 1: Based on ownership
- instance: instance members belong to the object
- static: static members belong to the class
Categorisation 2: Based on type
- data: data members are -
- variables
- constants in a class
- method: member methods are methods specified in a class
You can pair any of the categories in categorisation 1 with any of the categories in categorisation 2 to refer to a member of a class more specifically. For example, instance data member, static method, instance member variable etc.
class Box
private int length, breadth, height;
public void setDimension(int l, int b, int h)
{ length=l; breadth=b; height=h;}
public void showDimension()
System.out.println(“L = ”+length);
System.out.println(“B = ”+breadth);
System.out.println(“H = ”+height);
Length, breadth, height will be called instance member variables as they will be created only when an instance(object) of a class is created. Similarly, setDimension() and showDimension() are called instance member functions.