Stack Overflow

Occurs when Stack Space overflows.

Common Causes

Infinite Recursion

If a function calls itself without a proper termination condition, it can lead to an endless loop of function calls, eventually causing a stack overflow.

Deep Call Stack

A function calling many other functions, or a series of functions calling each other in a long chain, can also exhaust the stack space.

Large Local Variables

Allocating large data structures as local variables in functions can consume significant stack space.

Excessive Function Arguments

Functions with a large number of arguments can increase the stack usage for each call.


Proper Termination Conditions

Ensure recursive functions have conditions that will eventually stop the recursion.

Limit Recursion Depth

If recursion is necessary, limit the depth to avoid excessive stack use.

Optimize Local Variables

Use variables judiciously within functions and consider storing large data structures on the heap instead.

Review Function Calls

Analyze the call graph of your program to identify potential deep call stacks or unintended recursion.
