Stack Space

Har thread ka ek stack. Har method ka ek stack frame.

  • Used for Static Memory Allocation.
  • Used for local variables, function call frames, static thangs, with short lifespan.
  • Limited size, more predictable.
  • Automatically managed by OS
  • Has Thread Safety - Each thread has its own stack.

Stack allocation

This is controlled by the OS. One stack is allocated to the program for each running thread.

Stack Size Estimation

  • The OS allocates a stack for each system-level thread when the thread is created.
  • The size of the stack is typically determined by the OS and compiler settings.
  • For instance, on many systems, the default stack size might be around 1 MB to 2 MB.
  • This default size is generally sufficient for most routine operations and function calls.

Dynamic Allocation and Swapping

  • Some systems can automatically grow the stack if there’s room in the virtual address space.


While the OS provides a default stack size, some applications or languages allow customization. Developers can adjust the stack size based on their specific requirements.

Be careful of Stack Overflow though.

  1. Stack Frame
